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The ultimate guide to campground marketing
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What You'll Learn
In the current digital age we’re in, having an effecting marketing strategy for your campground can make all the difference between constantly scrambling to fill empty sites or effectively managing a waitlist of eager campers. In this guide, you’ll learn:

SEO for Campgrounds
If you’re not a digital marketing profession, these three letters can seem intimidating. But, they don’t have to be. In this guide, you’ll learn about creating great content for your target clients, how to start ranking in the search engines, and how you can expand your influence to drive more traffic to your booking page!
List Building & Contact Management
Are you maintaining a good database of potentially interested campers? Or, are you leaving your outreach to change? In this guide, you’ll learn how to build out your list with high-quality leads that drive your marketing engine.

Marketing Automation for Campgrounds
Marketing automation has gone from being something only a select few, tech-savvy marketers could use to a tool that is accessible to to Fortune 500s and Mommy Bloggers alike! In this guide, you’ll learn how this powerful practice can lead your prospective campers through a marketing journey that ends in them making S’mores at your campsite.
Camper Retention
After you’ve worked hard to attract a camper to your property, you want to be sure you can keep them coming back time and time again. This guide focuses on how you can delight your customers and keep them docking in your lot or driving stakes in your dirt repeatedly.

Content & Reservation Management Systems
Finding and navigating the best-in-class CMS and reservation systems doesn’t have to be overwhelming. We’ve looked at the best CMS and reservation systems on the market for campgrounds and go in depth on how to make sure you’re choosing the system that provides enough features for your business without causing headaches or racking up extra costs.
Paid Media Management
How confident are you in your paid media efforts? Chances are, if you’re not certain, backed by data, that your paid media strategy is effective – you’re not just leaving money on the table, you’re probably spending it unnecessarily. This guide serves as an essential primer for campgrounds who seek to use Google Ads and programmatic display to market their property.

Google Listing & Customer Reviews
Like it or not, the success of most campgrounds in the digital age comes down to a few key factors. In terms of digital marketing, there may be no more significant inputs than the property’s Google listing and the reviews left by customers. This guide discusses how effectively manage and optimize your listings and your business’ reviews.