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Campground SEO

Get where you need to go by learning where you are today!
Our comphrensive SEO Assessment will give you the tools and insights to start filling your campground.

What You'll Receive

Martrek Digital’s SEO experts will look at your current website and provide insights on how your site is currently performing, as well as how your site can get where it needs to be to begin filling your vacant campground spots. Topics our SEO assessment of your business will cover include:

SEO Overview

We’ll break down why SEO is important for your campground and what you need to to get some quick SEO wins to get pointed in the right direction immediately.

Performance Data

We’ll go beyond the general and take a deep dive into your website’s performance data – looking for how you can get some quick wins in the near term and what additional modifications need to be made to overhaul your experience, from mobile to desktop.

Organic Metrics

We’ll look at your analytics data and demystify the data that drives your digital success. You’ll be able to interpret the results, know what they mean, and how you can meaningfully optimize  through proper interpretation.

On-Page Performance

Taking a look at your current performance, we’ll evaluate all of the aspects of your “on-page” optimization and provide a blueprint for how to improve, covering everything from header tags to a content review.

What is SEO for Campgrounds

Keyword Research

Are you effectively targeting the right keywords to drive traffic to your campground? We’ll cover some critical keywords to hit, and how you can improve your standing in Google’s search algorithm on terms that you need to be ranking for.

Off-Page SEO

From broken links to backlinks, we’ll take a look at the quality of the backlinks your campground is achieving, the impact on the current status of your off-page SEO, and offer some real strategies for how to improve.

Competitor Overview

Have competitors in your area that you’re looking to overcome? No problem. We’ll assess their performance and identify ways to overtake them for key terms.