How to Find the Best Campground Reservation Systems and CMS in 2023

How to find the best campground reservation system and CMS for your campground.

Note- This article was updated for 2023!

Grow and manage your web presence and campground reservation systems with these tools.

We have already told you how important it is to have your campground findable on a mobile device. So, we will spare you with that background. Missed that article? You can read more here. However, these conversations go hand in hand when talking about how your campers can actually book their reservations with you, navigate your website easily, choose their spots, and even make purchases either ahead of time (think firewood or wifi), or once they arrive (camp store, other excursion type amenities, etc).

In 2023, it is more important than ever that you allow for ease of access on your site or you will lose them to your competitors quickly. So, it’s important to have a solution that is going to help you solve for those issues, but you will need to do a little homework first before choosing your solution. So, you’re in luck! MarTrek is here to help and has taken some of the leg work off of your plate. We will show you how to find the best campground reservation systems and CMS that fits your needs.

Where to Start

When deciding on a reservation and/or management software, it is important to know what you are looking for and to understand that not all reservations systems for campgrounds are the same. It’s also important to know the difference between campground management software (CMS), and campground reservation systems (CRS). Additionally, you need to know what types of third-party integrations that you need, allowing you to merge already existing systems in place (especially those that you want to keep and not replace).

What we know is this: according to the KOA report, new campers who experienced issues such as overcrowding were significantly less likely to express interest in camping again in 2022 (2021 KOA Report – page 21). Among new campers in 2021, an estimated 25% are unlikely to or at risk of not camping again in 2022 because of their poor experiences. And, 50% of newer campers said that changed the way they camp in 2021 due to the influx of new campers. 48% of this same group stated that the large number of new campers has decreased the camping experience.

A good campground reservation system and booking software can help you prevent some of these mishaps and improve the customer experience overall. Among new campers in 2021, an estimated 25% were unlikely to or at risk of not camping again in 2022 because of their poor experiences. And, 50% of newer campers said that changed the way they camp in 2021 due to the influx of new campers. 48% of this same group stated that the large number of new campers has decreased the camping experience. A good campground reservation system and booking software can help you prevent some of these mishaps and improve the customer experience overall.

Now What?

 Let’s help break it down for you in a few easy steps.

1. What is a CMS and when would you need one? 

A Customer Management System, or “CMS” is really a software mechanism that can help empower you to manage your business inside and out. Often used together with Customer Relationship Management Software, or “CRM”, these two softwares are really the management hub of your business. Your CMS in this instance, will be what you use to build, update and manage your website. This is where you are going to manage all of your content, your themes, forms, analytics, SEO, etc.

One of the things you will want to consider when choosing a CMS, if you have not already done so, are the extensions. No one system can do it all, which is why CMS extensions are going to be so important. They are what will help you connect to your CRM, and a lot of your other softwares you might already have in place – think financial (Quickbooks, credit card processors, email, etc). Some examples of CMS systems are “CMS Hub”, “Wordpress”, “Drupal”, “Wix”, “Weebly”, and “Shopify” to name a few.

Without a CMS system that easily integrates with outside software, a lot of manual work will be required. CMS systems can take a lot of that manual work out of the picture, which leads to more time spent on sales, customer service, and strategy at your campground. It also allows for more automation and less human error.

Specifically, when thinking about this article’s purpose, you will want to make sure it can integrate with your booking system and your financial software or external partners that you decide to go with.

2. What are my options when thinking about a reservation system for my campground? 

Some questions you might want to be prepared to ask when getting started  are:

  • Is the system you are checking out exclusively for campgrounds, or is it used for the broader-based travel industry including hotels, summer camps,  etc. that might make the system less functional out of the box for what you need?
  • What are the features that are included, and is there anything that makes your RV park or campground unique that is going to be a deal breaker when looking into solutions?
  • Do I want this built natively on my site, or do I want to go through an external booking system or app/marketplace? Am I choosing a full new CMS system with the reservation system built in, or just a booking system that attaches to my existing CMS?

Knowing the answers to all of these questions up  front will not only save you lots of time in the long run, but also, most likely,  save you money when making your decision on your system. You need to follow this guide to figure out how to find the best campground reservation system and CMS for your specific campground. After all, it is not a one-size-fits-all for everyone. Remember the marshmallow story (see our site to revisit this)?

Remember, it is important not to just think about the front end of the system  (i.e. what the camper or RV traveler sees), but also the backend of your system  (accounting software, payment processors, store sales, reporting, housekeeping, and more).

Martrek has done a ton of research on the systems that are out there and what is available in the marketplace today. Depending on your needs and how you answer the questions above, one system might be a better fit than another. We have a more analysis of this research in our available white paper, “The Ultimate Campground Marketing Guide”. Don’t have a copy? Contact us!

Now that you have done the research, reviewed what you have in house, it’s time to get started.

Want are more personalized approach to help choose the system that makes the most sense for you and your campground? Let’s chat! We are here to help.

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